Hestia Tutorial Intro Video – #HestiaCP Tutorial – hestia Control Panel
Visit Contabo VPS : https://bizanosa.com/contabo
How to install and setup HestiaCP on #Ubuntu 20.04
VPS providers I recommend : https://bizanosa.com/vpslist
How to setup Ubuntu Server : https://bizanosa.com/ubuntu-20-initial-server-setup/
This video is an introduction video to the #HestiaCP Tutorial on Ubuntu 20.04
Watch the Full HestiaCP tutorial Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KqxCegZMk0&list=PLhhBJ0l9FKMP9kF9CC-m1xXwLMgIxz13s
Hi there and welcome to this Hestia Control Panel tutorial. In this Hestia control panel tutorial, we’re going to install HestiaCP on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Which is the latest Ubuntu LTS version which will be supported by Ubuntu up to the year 2025 and will receive further maintenance updates up to the year 2030. So that’s why you should always
use an LTS – Long Term Supported Ubuntu versions for your server. We’re going to install Hestia as Nginx and PHP-FPM, that’s the setup we’re going to use. We’re not going to install Apache, so just know that in advance. And then you’re going to see how you can add multiple websites on that Hestia server . The tools that we’re going to need for this tutorial; Number one, we’re going to use Contabo as our VPS of choice. To get to Contabo you can just use my link and you can use bizanosa.com/contabo .
Bizanosa.com/contabo is going to take you to Contabo VPS where you can look at the different offers that are available.
We’re going to need to set up our server and as I said, we’re going to use Ubuntu 20.04 . We’re going to need to set it up and the post that we’re going to use to set it up, you can find that on my website and the link will be in the description, but if it is not there you can just search for it on on Google or Bing. Search for Bizanosa
Ubuntu Server Setup, so Bizanosa is my website name .
And this is the one, Ubuntu 20 initial server setup on VPS. This is the post that I’m going to use to set up my server .
As I said we’re going to use Ubuntu 20.04 We’re going to use this to set up Ubuntu 20.04, and the things we’re going to do are here. Everything you’re going to do is listed here so just follow along with me and everything is going to be clear for you. Just note that I’m not going to use Putty. So that’s the next tool .
The next tool we’re going to use, we’re not going to use Putty. We’re going to use Git Bash. And you can get Git Bash for free on Google. Just search for Git download .
And you download it from this website, git-scm .
We’re going to use Git Bash. I’m on Windows that’s why I have to install Git Bash. If you’re following along on Mac or Linux, then you can just use the Terminal instead of having to install Git . You can use Terminal but if you want to follow along with it, you can still install it. you can see you can install Git for Linux and even Mac.
If you don’t have it and you are on Windows, just click there and download it, install it and it’s going to come with everything you need. It’s going to come with Git Bash, Git Gui and Git CMD.
But we only need Git bash. So once it’s downloaded make sure you install it and we will start in the next video and we’re going to start by setting up our server on Contabo. I will see you in that next video when we set up our Contabo server.
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