#3 Log into Contabo VPS via SSH – Connect to VPS Ubuntu Server

#3 Log into #Contabo VPS via #SSH – Connect to VPS Ubuntu Server

Visit Contabo VPS : https://bizanosa.com/contabo

How to log into your Contabo VPS server after receiving your username(root) and password via email.

VPS providers I recommend : https://bizanosa.com/vpslist

How to setup Ubuntu Server : https://bizanosa.com/ubuntu-20-initial-server-setup/

Watch the Full HestiaCP tutorial Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KqxCegZMk0&list=PLhhBJ0l9FKMP9kF9CC-m1xXwLMgIxz13s

so I’ve just received all the login data for my Contabo server. What I got are the IP address, server type, the VNC IP and port. VNC can be used to access your server remotely and then the vnc password as well. And then you’re going to get the username, and the username by default is root. You’re also going to get a password for the root user and the type of operating system that you set up. You’re going to get all of this in your Contabo first email. If your account is new, you’re also going to get your Contabo login details and you can use that to log into your Conatbo dashboard.
We want to log into our server and now that we have all the details, we can do that. We are interested in VPS control because we did set up a vps.
If you don’t know which IP address you’re working with or which is which, just go to your email address and look at the ip address that has been sent there. So you’ll see the operating system and if you are not sure you can also come here under services. All right? If you want to log into your server, the first thing you want to do is make sure that you restart your server. The server will be restarted and as soon as you do that, give it some time. And just copy the server IP address.

We have the IP address. We have the user. Our user is root and we have the password that was sent for root. You can find that in your Contabo email. To log in, so on windows I’m going to use Git Bash. You can download Git bash for free and install it.
If you’re on a Mac or Linux, you can use Terminal to follow along. So just search for Git if you’re on windows that is. Search for gGitt download and then click on that. You want to download it for windows since you are on windows. You’re probably following along on Windows. Choose Windows. Install it and once you install it, it’s going to come with everything we need. We’re going to use Git bash for this tutorial.
Once you install it just come back to Windows and then search for Git. We want to work with Git Bash. You can see there is git gui and there is git cmd but I only want to use git Bash.

To log in, type ssh and the user is root. root@the-ip-address .

With this i think you can paste, let’s see how you can paste. That is @ ,root@ . Then you can paste and you can do shift insert to paste, and as soon as I do that ,

it’s going to ask me for the password. You can see it’s asking me to authorize this into my hosts file.
I’m going to type yes to affirm that.

And it will be added to my hosts file so it will be a known host on my computer and I can i can access it without any problems. We need to add the password. You can paste it in here by doing shift insert. If you do that, you can paste using shift insert. Yes!

You won’t see the password as you type it in or as you paste it in.

Just press enter and if it is correct, you should be logged into your server.

There we go that’s how to log into your Contabo
server. Of course the first thing you want to do is, you want to update your server. Since we are still using root, I can just do apt

update. Enter . Let’s see if there are any updates.

All right so you can see four packages can be upgraded. Let’s do apt upgrade to upgrade. Enter . then y . Enter .

Just let it update and that would be pretty much it. So you’ve seen how you can set up your Ubuntu server on Contabo and then log into your Ubuntu server VPS if you want to start setting it up.

Just remember that we are going to start using this post to set up our server.

There we go. Our updates are done. If you want to log out of your server you can just do exit.

And that’s going to log you out of your server . Okay .
Let’s continue in the next video and in the next video what I want us to do is,
I want us to come in here and we are going to create a new sudo user. The link to this post is in the description. There we go .
We’re going to do this in the next video.

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