Contabo tutorials for beginners.
#Contabo #VPS #Tutorial.
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Contabo VPS tutorial Video Timeline:
1. Introduction : 00:04
2. Contabo VPS pricing : 01:13
3. Don’t get stuck with a VPS provider: 1:39
4. Setting up a new Server Account : 3:02
5. How to log into Contabo Dashboard : 7:22
6. Dashboard Overview / Admin Area : 7:50
7. How to SSh into your server / log into the vPS server : 9:45
8. IP Management : 13:10
9. OS reinstall status : 13:25
10. Domain Registration : 13:36
11. DNS zones management : 13:51
12. Reverse DNS setting: 14:33
13. Making New orders . 15:52
14. Contabo shared Hosting packages : 16:18
15. Conclusion – That’s it for this tutorial : 16:47
USEFUL LINKS / Resources
– Contabo VPS :
– Vultr VPS :
– Debian 10 Server setup post:
– Ubuntu Server setup post :
– Linux/Mac Setup SSH Authentication :
– Setup SSH Authentication Via Git Bash :
– On Windows, Setup SSH Authentication via Puttygen & Putty :
– Full Virtualmin Tutorial Playlist :
Hi and welcome to this video. In this video I want to do a Contabo tutorial. So this is just going to be an overview. How you can set up your account, how you can manage your VPS using the Contabo dashboard.
So basically this is a dashboard overview for Contabo. Who is this video for ? This video is for you if you want to find out what Contabo is all about, and you want to see what it’s like.
Watch the video until the end to see how to use Contabo, if you want to move your vps server to Contabo. If you go to Contabo, these are what they have. They have VPS servers, they do have vps servers and they have VDS and they also have dedicated servers. So vps are the ones I’m going to look at here.
And VDS, this is just a vps without neighbors. You’ll have neighbors but the resources that you get will not be shared. For this, the CPU cores that you get, might get shared depending on your neighbors.
And then of course dedicated servers, these are like rental computers. You can rent a server and use it for whatever you want to use it for. You’re going to start here, but you should probably look forward to upgrading to one of these when you get to that level .
First off let’s look at the VPS pricing. We can just click there to see the prices that they currently offer. These are currently like the best prices for VPS. If you look online, you look around you’re going to find these are really really tremendous, amazing offers that you get from Contabo.
You should just move to another VPS.
Try out a VPS provider and if you don’t like them, you can just move to a different one. Choose a VPS that doesn’t have any time limitations.
There are lots of mixed reviews about Contabo .if you want to try it because of the offers that they provide, go ahead. You can end the contract within a month. If you just sign up for a month you can move at the end of the month.
If you want to use and try Contabo, feel free to use my Bizanosa link in the description. I will greatly appreciate your support. If you use Contabo and you want to get another server, feel free to use to use my link in the description. I will tremendously appreciate your support.
The next step of course you need to choose an operating system. You can choose any of these available operating systems or you can choose these control panels which are already available here. But you probably want to just install an operating system. You can click there on OS and install whichever operating system you want to. I used to recommend CentOS but nowadays I do recommend Debian 10. A very stable operating system. After what happened with centos 8, I would encourage you to use Debian 10.
I haven’t tried this, but this is a direct alternative to CentOS. If you want to use Alma Linux you can use this, if you want that Centos-ish operating system. You can use whichever one you want. You can even use Ubuntu but as I said I would encourage you to use Debian 10 or Debian 9 depending on the service that you want to install.
If you want to use a control panel I do have a tutorial about Virtualmin. You can find that on my YouTube playlist, Virtualmin tutorial on Debian 10.
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