Why you should not expose Private #SSH Key and why is a passphrase important – #security

Here is why you should not expose Private SSH Key and why is a passphrase important

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Here is why you should not expose Private SSH Key and why is a passphrase important

welcome to this video. In this video, let’s see why you should not expose the content of your private SSH key. We’re going to go step by step. First thing I’m going to do is generate an SSH key. Then we’re going to use that key to deploy two servers. These servers are simply just for demonstration purposes. So we’re going to SSH from one server to the other server. You can follow along with any VPS or on your private computer. You can deploy to Vagrant virtual machines. You can use any VM on your computer. Let’s get started.

The first thing: let’s generate an SSH key. Then we’re going to come back to DigitalOcean and deploy two droplets. If you want to use DigitalOcean as well, you can get $200 credit using the link that I will provide in the description. So let’s generate our SSH key. I know as soon as I’m done with this tutorial, I’m going to delete it and I don’t want to have anything hanging around on my computer. So I’m going to do this inside of the temp directory. You can do it in any directory, but I’m going to use the temp directory. If you’re on Windows, you can follow along with me using Git Bash. Just download Git, install Git, and then open Git Bash and you can follow along with me.

So, the first thing: let’s generate an SSH key. Create a folder where I will house my SSH keys. I’m going to do mkdir. I want to call this directory SSH. And then, now we can generate our SSH key inside of this directory. I’m going to do ssh-keygen and I want to generate the key of type -t. This simply signifies the type of the key. And I’m going to generate an Ed25519 key. I want to generate the key inside of the directory that I created. -f will simply tell it the file name. Select this directory that I’ve just created as where I will store my SSH key. And I will call the SSH key just samples. My SSH keys will be generated inside of this folder and they will be called samples. S
Protecting Your Private SSH Key:

Granting Full Access: An SSH key pair consists of a public key and a private key. The public key acts like a digital ID, allowing access to a server, while the private key is like a master key that unlocks that access. If someone gets hold of your private key, they essentially have unrestricted access to the server you’re trying to connect to. This can be disastrous, allowing them to steal data, install malware, or even take complete control of the system.

Importance of Passphrases:

Extra Layer of Security: Even though SSH keys themselves are cryptographically secure, a passphrase adds an extra layer of protection. It’s like having a lock on your door, and the key is the SSH key pair, but you also need a strong passphrase (like a complex code) to unlock it. This makes it much harder for someone to gain access, even if they steal your key pair. Brute-force attacks (trying millions of combinations) become significantly slower to crack with a strong passphrase.

Consequences of Exposure:

Data Breaches & Server Takeover: If your private key is exposed and lacks a strong passphrase, it’s like leaving your front door wide open. Hackers can easily exploit this to steal sensitive data, deploy malicious software, or even take complete control of the server.

Passphrase Strength:

Avoid Weak Passphrases: Using simple phrases like birthdays or dictionary words is a bad idea. Hackers can easily guess these through automated tools. Instead, opt for a long passphrase (ideally a string of random words) to significantly increase security.

In conclusion, keeping your private SSH key confidential and using a strong passphrase are essential security measures for protecting your server access. Think of it as safeguarding your digital front door!


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