How to Switch between your Instagram accounts

Manage Multiple Instagram accounts just by switching
Switching from one IG account to another account


Can I get a Whoop! Whoop! Managing multiple Instagram accounts just got really easy.

You can now switch between your Instagram accounts. Without having to log out of one to log into the other.

Note to you:

Update Instagram on your phone to get this Switch feature.

– I am using an Android phone for the screenshots. As long as you can get to your InstaGram Profile and settings, You can Follow along on your iPhone or Windows , etc .

Without wasting time, here is the step by step process to “multi-Instagramming” :

Step 1.

Log into your Instagram account.

Log into your IG account
Log in Screen for your IG account


Enter your username and password

Log into InstaGram
Log into your Instagram account


Step 2

You are now logged into your Instagram account.

Your Instagram Profile
Your Instagram Account
( courtesy @rwahowa )


Go to your IG Profile page

Your profile settings page

Your profile page .Go to settings (@rwahowa)


On your profile page, go to settings .

Scroll down to Add your account
Scroll down


Scroll down to where you’ll see Add Account ( Just above Log Out)

Tap on Add accounts
Tap on Add Account


Step 3

Tap on Add Account

Log into your other account

Log into your account


Enter your username and password

Enter your IG account
Log into your IG account


You are now logged in .

Instagram profile for bizanosa
Now logged in ( @bizanosa )


At the bottom you’ll notice your tiny profile pic . This shows you which account is currently active.

You can tap on it to go to your profile page.

Go to your insta profile page
On the profile page ( @bizanosa)


Step 4 : Switching

Tap and hold on your tiny profile picture at the bottom of the Instagram screen.

Hold for a while to switch accounts
Tap and hold to choose another account


All Instagram accounts added / logged into will be visible to you.

Activate and choose another account
Choose an account to activate


Tap on the account you want to use.

Instagram Account switched
Account switched (@rwahowa)

Yep, you have switched your Instagram accounts. You can alternate between your IG accounts as you wish.


You can still add more…

Go back to settings , then scroll down to Add Account .

Add yet another account
Add another account . Scroll to Add Account


( Logging out:  You will notice that there is an option to log out of the current Instagram account or Log out of all the accounts )


Tap on Add Account and log into yet another Instagram account.

Log into your IG account
Log into another account


Logged in, and on the profile page .

Add IG account - another instagram account
Another IG Account added (@thedoglover254)


Tap and hold your tiny profile picture at the bottom of the screen to switch to whichever Instagram account you want.

tap and switch your account
Tap and hold to switch accounts


Switch to any account
Switch to any Account


Can I get a final Whoop! Whoop! In the comments.


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